i agree with facu
So handsome it hurts ✡️✡️✡️✡️✡️✡️
מלך ההכל שהיו ויהיו
Boston 🫘
Joined on 6/3/20
i agree with facu
make a game where ur in the pov of kamala khan
Thanks for the shoutout homie, i look forward to the meet you come up with next year. Maybe no covid tho
Hard agree
Here's to a good year and an even better next year, it was a lot of fun working with you guys!
Common MigMoog W's. To an even better next year <3
really cool how much you and others have grown this year. swag-money even. here's to larger hogs to come.
Here’s to the hogs here today, cheers to the ones that we hossed on the way
This was a really good read
It's awesome to see someone as young as you are so passionate about comp-sci/programming. It's something that although I've strayed a bit away from as I got older in favor of the humanities (as a psych major in college) I am very happy I worked and formed a hobby around it in high school.
If I didn't get into Game Dev. in high school, I would unironically probably be a (complete) burnout and be doing nothing but getting by and "wishing" I could make games, there are so many people in the world "wishing" they could do stuff, but never actually putting the time and effort into doing it. I used to be one of those people, and breaking out of it young will be invaluable as you age, no matter what you are pursuing.
As someone who has also been doing an internet purge (mostly stopping using Twitter) you hit the problem with interment addiction right on the nose. Stepping off your high horse and simply letting things occur as they occur has done wonders for me, and I'm glad you are on that journey too.
It also warms my cold and bright-yellow heart to know that STD made such an impact on your life as a creator here, so many people have said this about the project, and although STD is still VERY MUCH an underground game, and probably will be for life, I'm glad it had an impact on so many talented artist and creators!
It's been a pleasure to interact with you throughout your time here on NG, Omelo sends his best regards.
As much as people overuse the phrase, this comment truly made my day. We don't talk as often as I'd like, but the opportunities you've presented me have given me a great boost. Thanks Levi :-)
I love you Mig!
make a game where the more the playir dies in the game they turn redder in real life